Inspired by a documentary made by the MOVE organization of Philadelphia. The only bomb ever dropped on a continental American city was ordered by the Mayor of Philadelphia, an asshole by the name of Frank Rizzo.
Watching different culture clashes in disasters,
amazed I never heard of 'em, my high school classes
served a slanted version to deal a diversion
to young minds growing who ain't valued as persons.
And it hurts me, pains me, it permanently changed me,
so now my own momentum doubles up on the daily,
and now my mind is sharper than machetes in Haiti,
Philly, Pennsylvania mid 1980s...
A bomb dropped on top a house with women and babies
Inside, tear gas and fire took hold,
a fire that was left to burn like seventy homes.
But far beyond the loss of the material things
was the loss of eleven lives, a curious thing-
considering the purpose of police is protection,
As an "educated" person, its my purpose to question.
Wheres road can't go and
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