Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Birthday Card

8 - 4 - 10


Happy Happy Birthday to you. You are the best Mom in the world,
and here are just a few reasons why I think so:

  • Your unconditional love. No matter what the circumstances are, I know your love will continue, as strong as ever. Thank you.
  • Your guidance. You are so good at guiding others (especially your own children) and making sure they realize their potential. Thank you.
  • Your cooking skills. You are a GREAT cook... Well, you do come in second to Dad, but at least you have a great mentor around the house! :) Thanks for all the delicious food.
  • Your Spirit. No one can match the zest you have for life; thankfully, your zest is contagious. Thank you.
Like I said, these are just a few. Thank you for being my Mom and I hope you have a great BDAY!!


1 comment:

  1. Sam, you are such a treasure! Thank you for your thoughtfulness. This is WAY WAY better than a Hallmark card! (Have you thought about going into the CARD business??!!haha) And, what did you mean by the fact that DAD is a better cook??!! Hah! Thank you, Sam!
